Thursday, 9 October 2008

The Specials Project

Specials Laboratories commissioned me to make a video installation sited in their head office. It takes the form of a video tower similar to that originally envisaged for Gestalt. The client wanted a piece that reflected their own environment. They made no stipulations as to content and I was allowed total freedom of access and concept.

To read my AN blog for this project click the link below (this may get blocked if you are not a member)

This project was also profiled in the November 2008 edition of an magazine

To read the article click here >

I have just recently installed the finished piece and am now looking for a suitable gallery to put a larger show together around this subject. I have soooo much more material than I have so far been able to use - and I feel i can make a related installation with much larger scope.

The piece is currently made in 6 mute 'movements' with a 'controller' video that plays audio also. In the Specials context this enables them to create permutations of what is shown on the four monitors on any particular day.

Working with Specials, I wanted to be 'agenda free' and to make a work that allowed me to respond to their unique environment. That being said I also wanted to use it as a vehicle for furthering my exploration and expansion of what it is to document 'time' - and the impossibility/contradictions of all that such a concept presents. I concentrated on particular details of activity, stretching or emphasising.

The 'controller' video is made is such a way that clips cross reference each other and make other, often poetic, connections and linear narrative is
subverted in favour of lateral connections.

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